Deathcock: Seriously? This comic is showing up here now a few days later? lol
Btw, this cartoon seriously put a bug up my ass. It's stinks of criminally pretentious yuppie cunts living in a pussified world completely out of touch with the real one. "You know what the chimps will say." HUE HUE HUE - I'm a tweed and vest-wearing pretentious college cunt, and I'm not too weak-minded and up my own ass, I'm just clearly above all those t-shirt and jeans-wearing plebeian neanderthals. You ever hear of trolling, you pathetic, banal cunt? DEAL WITH THE WORLD. Yeah, all those videos that disable comments are just pussies without the capable to ignore comments, or deal with them like intelligent, cool people. Instead, they just fence themselves into their vapid little bubble/gated community of too-good-to-deal-with-you pussification. Everyone else can do it. News feeds can do it. Just learn to deal, or make a snarky little wink-nudge-at-the-audience comment at the idiot you feel is offending your delicate sensibilities to show them up, and also to point out to your subscribers that this is not the right way to talk on the Internet, because obviously only you know the right way everyone should talk/act. It's just queefing out messy liquid spurts of shit out its snarky, holier-than-thou naive idiotic pseudo-intellectual vagina, and unforgivably unfunny in doing it. This is not the way you create a free society full of free-thinking people. Fucking cunts.
Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: The pissing thing with disabling comments is that already kills half of the fun Youtube us, which is watching videos and people commenting on it, sometimes in spergtastic lulzy ways.
By disabling the comments on a video you are telling the people who watches it to go suck a dick since you only want your input to be heard, not unlike making a public speech in the middle of a public park and expecting people not to yell back at you (either in approval, disagreement, or stupidity). Might as well save yourself the trouble of uploading your shit - you can have a better time by pouring wax on your ears, running down the street and yelling obscenities without fear of having your deaf-sensible-ass insulted.
Anonymous6(5): Aah. So because *you* feel like the occasional gem of a comment makes the mountain of fucknuggets that surrounds it worthwhile, *everybody else* owes it to you to keep comments enabled on their videos.
Cool. BRB, I'm duplicating your house key and putting copies at every bus stop and hobo camp in town, because your mom provides some *quality* entertainment and therefore you owe it to everyone else to provide access.
Anonymous7(5): You want to talk logic now? That's cute.
For starters, you may want to note that your analogy between uploading something and yelling at people in a public park is flawed, as watching a video someone uploaded is an entirely voluntary act on your part and the uploader does not impose upon your freedom not to do so in any way.
In fact, when your mom went for a walk in that public park, her presence there was more of an imposition on everyone present because it's harder not to look at a person the size of a semi in line of sight of you than not to click a link on the Internet. By *your own logic*, if she didn't want hobos coming to her door looking for a good time, she should have stayed home.
Anonymous8: @Anonymous: There we go. A voluntary act. Hey, nobody ever stated the uploader is forced to allow comments, but neither are the people forced not to complain and mock the uploader about it.
But lemme enforce that comment disabling thing on you. Once I log back in, I'll erase all of your comments, every comment you post will be erased from now on. I will triumphantly declare myself teh winner, and you can complainof how much of an asshole i am elsewhere but Paheal.
Anonymous10(5): @Franky_Whiskey: ...shit, Franky. I'm not sure whether to be amused or sad that you imagine I'm going to lose a single night's sleep over the fact that your sense of entitlement vastly outdistances your ability to justify it or just put a logical argument together.
I gotta give it to you, though - by itself, your threat to flex your mod muscle to remove the argument you're badly losing is funny. And you waving the FREA SPEACH banner in a discussion that has bugger all to do with it (aside from, y'know, your own threats) is funny. But both of them together? Comedy gold. *tips hat*
@Anonymous:I gotta give it to you, though - by itself, your threat to flex your mod muscle to remove the argument you're badly losing is funny.
Just like a video uploader who suddenly silences comments? Well, sure! I guess now you're facading confidence now that the short end of the stick is on your hand.
I knew I was dealing with a white knight idiot when you resorted to misogyny to make your point- you know, the same thing this comic was made to be against of? Seems like the only comedy gold is the idiot that can't see he's shooting his own foot.
And don't fool yourself - the fact that you are here commenting (and that you will reply back) is mainly to show you a lesson on how fuckheads are handled: Not with silencing them, but mocking them. Go on, on your bike, and think of how you are enjoying the privilege of talking shit to a mod without having your sorry ass B&.
Feels great, uh? I know, I know. Dat's what I fight for, bitch. Enjoy your sleep.
Krawczyk: Silly subservient mischling! There's no such thing as 'gender politics!' It's just a pathos-ridden plea for free money without having to actually work by claiming you have any number of armchair-psych evaluated 'syndromes' or 'disabilities' such as 'being female in a male world' or 'I thought I was a chick so i chopped my dick off, but now I've fallen in love with a chick who only enjoys taking dick.'
Anonymous11(1): @Krawczyk: hahahahahha, Krawczyk you genius bastard you!
Anon5 us lucky there are those of us that fight for his right to silence voices he disagrees with, like his new age entitlement bullshit. Whiteknighs and SJW cunts are so full of hypocrisy and hate its not even funny.
Anonymous15(1): arse yes, the escapist: A bunch of pseudo-intellectuals, wannabe hipsters, and moral crusaders, ranting about the philosophy, art, story, truth, and video games.
Anonymous17: ITT: small-dicked losers are filled with impotent anger over an imaginary woman not allowing them to have a retarded circlejerk in the imaginary youtube comments of her imaginary youtube video
Franky_Whiskey: @Anonymous: Said the small-dicked loser filled with impotent anger over other small-dicked losers that are filled with impotent anger over an imaginary woman not allowing them to have a retarded circlejerk in the imaginary youtube comments of her imaginary youtube video.
GrandMaster: @Anonymous: Yes he is a white knight. He couldn't possible be tired of stupid God damn bullshit. He's just trying to get good with the ladies. Which in this case is a guy.
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Btw, this cartoon seriously put a bug up my ass. It's stinks of criminally pretentious yuppie cunts living in a pussified world completely out of touch with the real one. "You know what the chimps will say." HUE HUE HUE - I'm a tweed and vest-wearing pretentious college cunt, and I'm not too weak-minded and up my own ass, I'm just clearly above all those t-shirt and jeans-wearing plebeian neanderthals. You ever hear of trolling, you pathetic, banal cunt? DEAL WITH THE WORLD. Yeah, all those videos that disable comments are just pussies without the capable to ignore comments, or deal with them like intelligent, cool people. Instead, they just fence themselves into their vapid little bubble/gated community of too-good-to-deal-with-you pussification. Everyone else can do it. News feeds can do it. Just learn to deal, or make a snarky little wink-nudge-at-the-audience comment at the idiot you feel is offending your delicate sensibilities to show them up, and also to point out to your subscribers that this is not the right way to talk on the Internet, because obviously only you know the right way everyone should talk/act. It's just queefing out messy liquid spurts of shit out its snarky, holier-than-thou naive idiotic pseudo-intellectual vagina, and unforgivably unfunny in doing it. This is not the way you create a free society full of free-thinking people. Fucking cunts.
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Deal with the world in which others are not obligated to provide you with a soapbox for your ejaculations, you blithering manchild.
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By disabling the comments on a video you are telling the people who watches it to go suck a dick since you only want your input to be heard, not unlike making a public speech in the middle of a public park and expecting people not to yell back at you (either in approval, disagreement, or stupidity). Might as well save yourself the trouble of uploading your shit - you can have a better time by pouring wax on your ears, running down the street and yelling obscenities without fear of having your deaf-sensible-ass insulted.
"youtube, lol" my fat ass.
Cool. BRB, I'm duplicating your house key and putting copies at every bus stop and hobo camp in town, because your mom provides some *quality* entertainment and therefore you owe it to everyone else to provide access.
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For starters, you may want to note that your analogy between uploading something and yelling at people in a public park is flawed, as watching a video someone uploaded is an entirely voluntary act on your part and the uploader does not impose upon your freedom not to do so in any way.
In fact, when your mom went for a walk in that public park, her presence there was more of an imposition on everyone present because it's harder not to look at a person the size of a semi in line of sight of you than not to click a link on the Internet. By *your own logic*, if she didn't want hobos coming to her door looking for a good time, she should have stayed home.
But lemme enforce that comment disabling thing on you. Once I log back in, I'll erase all of your comments, every comment you post will be erased from now on. I will triumphantly declare myself teh winner, and you can complainof how much of an asshole i am elsewhere but Paheal.
Expect me :3
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Enjoy the free speech you're so against of!
I gotta give it to you, though - by itself, your threat to flex your mod muscle to remove the argument you're badly losing is funny. And you waving the FREA SPEACH banner in a discussion that has bugger all to do with it (aside from, y'know, your own threats) is funny. But both of them together? Comedy gold. *tips hat*
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Just like a video uploader who suddenly silences comments? Well, sure! I guess now you're facading confidence now that the short end of the stick is on your hand.
I knew I was dealing with a white knight idiot when you resorted to misogyny to make your point- you know, the same thing this comic was made to be against of? Seems like the only comedy gold is the idiot that can't see he's shooting his own foot.
And don't fool yourself - the fact that you are here commenting (and that you will reply back) is mainly to show you a lesson on how fuckheads are handled: Not with silencing them, but mocking them. Go on, on your bike, and think of how you are enjoying the privilege of talking shit to a mod without having your sorry ass B&.
Feels great, uh? I know, I know. Dat's what I fight for, bitch. Enjoy your sleep.
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Anon5 us lucky there are those of us that fight for his right to silence voices he disagrees with, like his new age entitlement bullshit. Whiteknighs and SJW cunts are so full of hypocrisy and hate its not even funny.
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Way to show how she's above the average bad-boy-loving 'tard, dudes.
now i've seen everything
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You don't know shit.
makes me want to check the sinfest tag
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