Anker Fakemon 1-2-3scorpenomorph on DeviantArt

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Anker Fakemon 1-2-3

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# 001 - Grass Starter - ELIEN (French name: ALI)
Region: ANKER
Size: 0.4 m
Weight: 6.0 kg
Category: Pokémon (Blind)

He uses his big ears to move and attack his opponents even in total darkness.
Despite its small size, it can be very scary, loving to emerge from its hiding place to scare the unlucky.

>>> LEVEL 14 >>>

# 002 - Grass Starter - XENORIA (French name: XENOGON)
Region: ANKER
Size: 1.0 m
Weight 25.0 kg
Category: Pokémon (Blind)

He lives in a pack, in old abandoned buildings. He pursues the imprudents who dare to enter his territory.
His very developed senses allow him to attack his enemies in the dark, taking advantage of ventilation ducts to surprise his prey.

>>> LEVEL 36 >>>

# 003 - Grass Starter - TYRANIRIS (English name: TYRALYS)
Region: ANKER
Size: 2.0 m
Weight 80.0 kg
Category: Pokémon (Blind)

Leading a pack of XENORIA, he orders them to destroy everything in their path, in order to enlarge the territory and the colony.
It's so scary, that many people have described it, in legends, as an exterminating monster.

Signature Attack: NEST SHADOW ---> DARK type offensive capability; The caster shows a large shadow, similar to roots, which causes damage for 3 turns.

Secret Talent: BLIND VISION ---> the attack and the defense of the Pokémon are increased if the visibility, on the ground, is weak (sandstorm, cave without light, fight of night, ...)

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Anker Fakemon 1-2-3 shiny

This Fakemon was inspired by the Xenomorphs of the franchise ALIEN (except Prometheus) and it was during a dream that I had the idea to create a Fakemon ALIEN / PLANT

The idea may seem inconsistent with the theory of Pokémon Starters, but I really wanted to keep my concept. Moreover, we can imagine that it represents a Pokémon - prehistoric insect ...
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MaazyPaaz's avatar

Genius using Alien as inspiration