Zerg Assassin (fan made zerg creature)cschiffhouer on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cschiffhouer/art/Zerg-Assassin-fan-made-zerg-creature-1019192359cschiffhouer

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Zerg Assassin (fan made zerg creature)



If the zerg rank of Ravager got its own unit named after it, why not the zerg rank of Assassin?
The zerg assassin is a flying, long-range specialist belonging to Niadra's Brood. The end of its stubby tail is a modified bile launcher, which resembles a mutalisk's glaive wyrm launcher. It also has spindly limbs with spiky toe-analogues for attacking enemies too close to the assassin. The Zerg Assassin was genetically derived from the Aurealian Vampire Moth, a large moth-like organism native to the distant world of Aurelia, which was invaded by Niadra and her brood.
Also, I am very sorry for my year and a half long absence from this site. I will explain it later on if I can.
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ILSDDB95's avatar

interesting Zerg concept