A nicer time...Mothman64 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mothman64/art/A-nicer-time-201703237Mothman64

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A nicer time...



"As long as Pokémon are confined in Poké Balls... Pokémon will never become perfect beings. I have to change the world for Pokémon, because they're my friends." -N

I made this to celebrate that I have beaten Team Plasma in "Pokemon White" (I actually defeated them a week ago, but that's beside the point).

This is a picture of N when he was a child (growing-up with pokemon) taking an after-lunch with his friend, Zorua.

For some reason, I always pictured N as a kid whenever I saw him in the game.


Maybe it's because his room is filled with toys? I don't know.


Anyway, I think he's one of the better pokemon villains.

N and Pokemon are property of Nintendo
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3750x2490px 1.95 MB
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Luissouthpark13's avatar
you should remastered this