Hello everyone! :3
Sorry once again for last week's delay. I've got my schedule (mostly) back on track now, so things will be back to normal next week.
For this version, I've managed to get tattoos fully implemented, several bugs and minor issues sorted, and mechanics for the Gambling Den's dice poker added. I originally intended to just add support for scars, but when I was adding that, I thought that I should get tattoos done as well...
Adding tattoos took a little longer than I thought it would, so the Gambling Den content is only half-finished. I will be releasing another mini update, v0.2.6.1, either tomorrow (Friday) night, or Saturday evening, which will have the Gambling Den's content completely finished.
So, to reiterate, there will be a mini-update, v0.2.6.1, out within the next two days. This will finish off the Gambling Den's content by adding in all descriptions, adding Roxy's and Axel's content, and adding 'pregnancy roulette'.
The artwork of Claire in this post was done by Jam. :3
You can find them over on their blog here (and their NSFW blog here).
v0.2.6 Download Links
This is still an alpha, and contains bugs and half-finished content!
Pre-zipped: Mega
Full folder: Google Drive
.exe (For Windows if you haven't installed/updated java.):
Pre-zipped: Mega
Full folder: Google Drive
32-bit .exe (For 32-bit Windows if you haven't installed/updated java.):
Pre-zipped: Mega
Full folder: Google Drive
v0.2.6 patch notes
- Added 'generic' encounter variations for bat and slime attackers in the Bat Caverns (for if you've transformed them).
- Added: Support for tattoos, with ability to have them enchanted just like clothing. Kate can now give/enchant/remove both your and your slaves' tattoos.
- Added modding support for tattoos. (Works in the same way as clothing mods.)
- Added scar support. (I'll add a way to add/remove scars for the next version.)
- Added: Basics of the gambling den (will be finished in It has a small internal map, three unique NPCs, a dice poker game, a shop, and will have a 'pregnancy roulette' game for
- Added secondary dye colour to aviators.
- Added: Eye patch (no femininity requirements, eye slot).
- Added: Jockstrap (masculine, groin slot).
- Changed Lumi's 'Take Advantage' scene to actually be a sex scene (only available if noncon is on). (Nnxx)
- Fixed inserted bimbo/sex/muffled/drunk words breaking capitalisation. (pinnae)
- Changed 'Romance' quests to 'Relationship' quests, and reassigned Nyan's side quest as a relationship quest. (rfpnj)
- Improved action ordering and availability in sex's 'Repeat Actions' tab. (Master of Puppets)
- Added some new skin colours. (rfpnj)
- Fixed several issues with coding style. (Pimvgd)
- Converted UtilText.parse from recursive to iterative. This increases performance by a small amount, and reduces memory usage by a large amount. (Pimvgd)
- Deduplicated book itemtypes. (Pimvgd)
- Punctuation fixes in Rental Mommy encounter. (WoefulWombat)
- Punctuation fixes in panty masturbation scenes. (WoefulWombat)
- Changed Fruit Bat Squash to restore aura, not energy, to fit in with the other arcane-related consumables. (rfpnj)
- Fixed HornType.NONE showing up as an option for enchanting. Horn removal can be done by selecting the remove option. (Pimvgd)
- Fixed 'No cock' and 'Vagina' actions in succubus encounter not doing anything. (Master of Puppets)
- Fixed incorrect pronoun parsing in bat encounter. (Mach565)
- Fixed incorrect Slime Queen quest completion descriptions. (rfpnj)
- Fixed typo in Brax's scene. (Pimvgd)
- Fixed inconsistent starting positions in Brax's sex scenes. (rfpnj)
- Fixed FemininityRestriction not being set properly for clothing loaded as mod. (Pimvgd)
- Added mod folder to gitignore. (Pimvgd)
- Fixed instance of weapon comparator contract violation when checking weapon type. (Pimvgd)
- Added a new colour preset, 'ALL_WITH_METALS'. (rfpnj)
- Fixed several causes of slow load times, which, as an example, reduced a huge save file's load time from 40+ seconds down to 5. (Pimvgd)
- Added 'wing' slot as an inventory & tattoo slot.
- Reorganised inventory slots in the UI, so that 'optional' ones are at the bottom (tail, wings, horns, penis, and vagina).
- Elementals can no longer summon elementals.
- Elementals are now unable to drink potions.
- Companions' elementals now show up in the character panel.
- Companion icons now show up on the map.
- Added 'Dispell elemental' action in your companions' 'Manage' tab, so you can get them to remove their elementals after a fight.
- Added a few tattoos to Kate.
- Fixed Claire repeating the first 'report back' dialogue after dealing with the slime queen.
- Typo fixes.
- Fixed harpy offspring not spawning in after the nests have been pacified.
- Added 'offer body' dialogue to slime and bat attacker scenes.
- Helping the Slime Queen now correctly increases slime spawn rates in Submission.
- Fixed Maximilian spawning in as a virgin.
- Fixed Slime Queen regenerating her crown after she's given it to you.
- Fixed slime transformation scenes saying 'Nothing happens...'.
- Fixed Maximilian's post-sparring scenes.
- Fixed bug where harpies, imps, and slimes would have their spawn rate set to 0% if you ever selected 'disable all' in the furry preferences screen.
- Fixed horizontal scrollbar appearing when inspecting watches.
- Fixed bug in combat where companions summoning elementals would throw an error.
- Fixed bug where if a companion summoned an elemental, that elemental would block encounters.
- Fixed clothing mod bug, where user-defined colours wouldn't work correctly.
(You can find the patch notes for and in the previous few posts. ^^